Inbound student pilot reporting instructions


Welcome to the "Lone Star Gunfighters"! Here you will find some basic information to assist you in making your in processing experience go smoothly. You will find that there may be different instructions depending upon if you are in a PCS status (B course) or in a TDY status (TX, Senior Officer or IP course). Regardless of what status you are (PCS/TDY), your Course Manager or I will contact you at least two weeks prior to your class start date. If you have not been contacted by then, please contact the Student Registrar at DSN 945-6106 or Commercial (210) 925-6106.

Security clearance requirements: (All students MUST comply with the Security Requirements Section or course entry will not be allowed)

1. Students MUST work closely with their Unit Security Manager to ensure processing is completed within the time constraints listed below. Non-compliance with security requirements shall be cause for denial/cancellation of student training.

2. Students MUST be SAP-eligible (IAW DODM 5205.07, Volume 2, Enclosure 3) and have a TOP SECRET (TS) clearance with a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) current within 4 years, 6 months of FTU class start date. For students with a current TS SSBI that is within 6 months of expiration at FTU class start date, the latter requirement will fulfill SAP-eligibility. For students with a current TS SSBI that is within 6 months of expiration at FTU Course Start Date (CSD), the periodic re-investigation MUST be initiated no later than 60 days before FTU CSD.

3. Losing units MUST ensure the overall security clearance and SSBI date are included on FTU assignment orders. Students MUST hand carry a copy of their completed SF86 (Questionnaire for National Security Positions) to the FTU for in-processing.

4. ALL students must review their last copy of their Standard Form 86/e-QIP for accuracy. If any information has changed since date of the last security clearance investigation, students are required to make pen and ink changes to the current SF86/e-QIP. Students MUST provide their initials by each change made on the form. Students may also use the SF86C attachment to provide changes to the corresponding references on the original SF86/e-QIP. The SF86C must be signed and dated by the student. Attach the SF86C to the original SF86/e-QIP.

5. The AF Form 2583 (Request for Personnel Security Action) MUST be completed by the Unit Security Manager. This form must be current within one year from FTU class start date.

6. SAP Format 20 MUST be completed IF the student has current foreign relatives/associations or this has occurred since the date of the last security clearance investigation.

7. SAP Format 27 MUST be completed IF any contact has been made with foreign nationals after completing last SF86/ e-QIP.

8. A Foreign Travel Worksheet must be completed IF any foreign travel occurred after completing last SF86 or e-QIP.

9. ALL students MUST be aware of mitigation/adjudication requirements that could potentially cause delays in security clearance processing at the FTU. These include but are not limited to: foreign relatives, foreign travel (outside CONUS), bankruptcy, DUI, and traffic violations.

10. Email or FAX the following information to the FTU security manager no later than 14 days after assignment drop.
a. A current, signed and dated copy of the SF86/e-QIP; ALL three SF86 signature pages
b. Signed paper or SF86C annotating any information changes since last SF86/e-QIP (if required)
c. A complete and signed AF Form 2583, current within one year from FTU class start date
d. SAP Format 20 (if required)
e. SAP Format 27 (if required)
f. Foreign Travel Worksheet (if required)

11. Contact the 149th FW Program Security Manager at DSN 945-5925/5931 or Comm 210-925-5925/5931 to ensure your paperwork is complete.


Inbound students are advised to coordinate with their home unit to be briefed on their active duty service commitment (ADSC) prior to entering training. Before the student departs, the losing unit will prepare an AF Form 63, Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) Acknowledgement Statement. Please ensure you bring a copy of your AF Form 63.


Students are responsible for making their own billeting reservations. Billeting will be provided by the Gateway Inn on Joint Base San Antonio - Lackland, 1750 Femoyer, San Antonio, Texas 78236, DSN 473-2556 or Commercial (210) 671-2556. Contact with billeting must be made to confirm reservation and to provide travel card information prior to arrival. When making billeting reservations, ensure they know you are an F-16 FTU student. You should not be placed in the DLI quarters!

To be eligible for TLF, your orders must state that you are accompanied with dependents. For more information, go to Department of Defense Lodging.

NOTE - There is also a possibility that you may be billeted off-base in contract quarters; therefore, a rental car may be needed. Authorization for a rental car or POV with vicinity mileage is an individual unit policy and must be coordinated with home station MPF and so stated on TDY orders for proper reimbursement.


All students are to report on class start date at 0730 in the main briefing room, for a welcome brief.

 F16C0B00PL - Initial Qualification
Students are in a PCS status and are to report to the student registrar's office the next duty day upon arrival on station.
- inprocessing will be initiated prior to class start date
- Active Duty students must also in process the base therefore will need to initiate a separate inprocessing through the Lackland FSS prior to class start date

 F16C0TX0PL - Re-qualification
 F16C0SOCPL - Specialized Qualification
 F16C0I00PL - Instructor Pilot Qualification
Students are in a TDY status and must arrive one day prior to class start date in order to check into billeting
- inprocessing will be initiated on class start date


Welcome brief for all courses will take place on your class start date at 0730 in the main briefing room.

All students must bring/accomplished the following requirements prior to class start date:

- Copy of orders.
- AF Form 63, Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) Acknowledgement Statement
- Current DoD Information Assurance Awareness
- Personal Flying Equipment

In addition to the items listed above, B course students need to bring the following:

- UPT Gradebook

- IFF Gradebook


Orders must state "variations in itinerary authorized".


Authorization for a rental car or POV with vicinity mileage is an individual unit policy and must be coordinated with home station MPF and so stated on TDY orders for proper reimbursement.

If authorized, your home unit must fund rental vehicles/POV travel.