Luzader of Air Force Training Command speaks out on ABU Published Feb. 7, 2008 By Capt Randy L. Saldivar 149th Fighter Wing Public Affairs RANDOLPH AFB, Texas -- Air Force Air Education Training Command, Command Chief Mark R. Luzader recently issued a memorandum to fellow AF Chiefs in AETC urging them to caution airmen to refrain from altering the Airmen's Battle Uniform. "It has come to my attention that Airmen in AETC are removing buttons from the Airman's Battle Uniform and sewing down pockets" said Chief Luzader of a trend he's noticed throughout AETC. The AETC Command Chief expressed his concern because he believes instructors and PME cadre throughout AETC may inadervtantely set unwritten standards that airmen will feel compelled to follow because they serve as role models and are often emulated by airmen. "Our Airmen desire to present the sharpest possible appearance; however, please discourage them from modifying the ABU until AETC develops the command supplemental wear instruction," read Chief Luzader's memo. The AF ABU that was released to the force for wear in September 2007 is the replacement uniform for the AF Battle Dress Uniform. Aimen throughout the AF are now authorized to wear the new ABU in place of the BDU. Complete phase out of the BDU is scheduled for November 2011 at which time the ABU will the be mandatory utility uniform. The Chief noted that altertations to the uniform increase maintenance costs to airmen, a primary concern that initiated change to the new ABU. "The ABU is a combat uniform," noted Chief Luzader. "Let our utility uniform communicate to all that we in AETC are Expeditionary Airmen, ready to deploy, fight, or respond to any crisis in a moments notice." Chief Luzader expressed further uniform wear and guidance was forthcoming following discussion with AETC senior leadership.