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  • Health Care Professionals

    When you "Cross Into The Blue" as a Healthcare professional in the Texas Air National Guard, you'll discover more than just a great career. As a member of this elite group, you'll have the opportunity to practice medicine the way you were trained to - without all the hassles of HMO's, tons of

  • Inbound student pilot reporting instructions

    WELCOME FROM THE SCHOOL REGISTRARWelcome to the "Lone Star Gunfighters"! Here you will find some basic information to assist you in making your in processing experience go smoothly. You will find that there may be different instructions depending upon if you are in a PCS status (B course) or in a

  • Military & Civilian Resources

    Military & Civilian Resources (Financial/Food/Water/Closures/Shelters/Home Repairs)Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) Steps to apply for an AFAS Grant: 1. Go to AFAS.org to apply for grant. 2. Use your receipts, pictures of damage, etc. for your AFAS grant justification. 3. Once your application is

  • Non-Prior Service (New Recruit)

    ENLISTMENT REQUIREMENTS      The Air National Guard is looking for high quality individuals to take us into the 21st century. If you have never served in the military, and you meet the following qualifications, you may be just the person we are looking for. · High school graduate or equivalent · 17

  • Prior Service

    ENLISTMENT PROCESS Prior-Service      Procedures for Enlistment in the Air National Guard (Prior Service)      The process begins with your local Air National Guard Recruiting office. You will: · Receive your initial interview by a Recruiter to determine your tentative qualifications for entrance